Weather in North Cyprus

Weather Chart Cyprus has a Mediterranean climate with long hot summers and mild winters. The hottest months for Cyprus are July and August. The rainy months are from December to February.  Kyrenia is one of the warmest districts of the Mediterranean in midsummer with the coastal regions being the hottest.

There are over 300 days of sunshine a year, the sea temperature is rarely below 16 C and rises to 28-30 C during summer months, making Northern Cyprus one of the healthiest places in the world in which to live. The air condition is excellent and many respiratory difficulties either disappear or significantly reduce as a consequence.


Summer in Kyrenia is high temperatures and cloudless skies. The temperature of the hottest months of July and August soars to 34°C and sometimes even to 40°C. The Mediterranean Sea around the island rarely falls below 16°C


Winters are mild but also the wettest season in Cyprus is from December to February. A great deal of the rain descends in the surrounding Kyrenia mountain range so frequent that the weather in Kyrenia is much better than nearly anywhere else on the island. Winters in Northern Cyprus can still be exceptionally pleasant with temperatures still a mild 15°C.

The rest of the year has enjoyable weather. Regardless of when you travel you’re guaranteed a pleasing and dry stay, with the choice of a hot and sunny climate in the peak summer months or cooler more mild temperature in the winter.


Clothing required

In Spring and autumn, you need T-shirts or light pullovers during daytime and a jumper for the evenings as they tend to be cooler.

During the hot summer months, very light summer clothes are required along with sun hats and plenty of sun cream!

Winter months you should be prepared for all types of weather ranging from pleasant sunny days, chilly evenings to rainfalls.